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Approved Minutes, June 23, 2010
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Special Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday June 23, 2010, at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington St.
Members Present:                        Chairperson Paul Durand, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides, Ernest DeMaio, David Jaquith, Michael Blier
Members Absent:                         
Others Present:                         Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
Recorder:                               Lindsay Howlett

Board Member Paul Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects under Review

  • 32 Derby Square (Old Town Hall): Discussion of proposed exterior vent
John Goff is present on behalf of the Old Town Hall project.

Daniel states that Old Town Hall has recently received grants to do renovations to the building and one of their main projects is replacing the heating system from oil to gas which will require exterior venting.

Goff states there are six existing vents beneath the first floor windows for the current oil heating system. Goff states five of those will be eliminated and one will be replaced with a much simpler design for the air intake required for the gas system. Goff suggests installing a rod iron fence or grill in front of the vent, inset into the opening as to not read as an exterior element.

Durand asks if the grating is needed.

Goff replies from a safety concern the grating could prevent people from sticking their fingers in the hot vent.

Durand states that typically these vents are just exposed.

Jaquith states the grating seems to bring attention to it.

Goff responds they can easily not install the fence.

Sides replies the most obtrusive thing about these vents is the smoke they produce which should be enough to keep people from touching it.

Jaquith:        Motion to approve the vent with the following conditions:
  • the grating shall be eliminated; and
  • the vent shall be painted the same color as the panel,
seconded by Sides. Passes 5-0.

Kennedy arrives.

  • 118 Washington Street (Café Polonia): Discussion of proposed entrance walk and step, signage, and outdoor dining area
Darek Barcikowski is present to discuss the proposed entrance ramp and stairs, signage and outdoor seating area.

Daniel introduces Barcikowski and the project. Daniel states the Building Department has reviewed the access ramp and has approved it. Daniel adds the signage would be almost identical to their location in Boston. Daniel further adds the SRA has already reviewed the proposal and has approved it pending the DRB’s approval.

The board reviews the proposal packet.

Barcikowski states the awning will not come out as far as the one in Boston but will be similar. Barcikowski adds the sign and awning are made of wood and states the lighting above the restaurant is existing.

Sides asks what the awning looks like from underneath.

Barcikowski responds it is covered with wood and will not be exposed. There will be shingles on the top of the awning.

Durand asks what the awning does for them.

Barcikowski responds it makes their location more visible and connects their aesthetic with their current location in Boston.

Sides asks for a sample of the real color.

Barcikowski responds they do not have one, but it is the same color as their location in Boston. Barcikowski adds they could leave the shingles in their natural color and apply polyurethane instead.

Sides states the awning/roof is a strong architectural element that seems not to relate to the building at all. Sides adds it will look big and heavy. Sides states though she appreciates drawing attention to that corner, she feels this awning is too enormous on the elevation of this building. Sides additionally states in South Boston the roof relates to the independent building, but in Salem it needs to relate to the neighboring storefronts.

Durand agrees and thinks it might look better without the canopy. Durand suggests going vertically with the signage and adds the outdoor seating will gain the attention.

Barcikowski states they would not consider doing a traditional awning and would rather not do an awning in this case.

Durand suggests bringing the South Boston’s restaurant aspects to the interior of the Salem space.

DeMaio states that he has no objection to an awning in concept but agrees with Sides about not applying a roof to the front of this façade. DeMaio suggests doing a more literal awning that might not extend across the entire storefront but would personally prefer a thin plane.

Blier suggests Tavern in the Square as a restaurant in town that uses a different type of awning.

Barcikowski responds they will have to do more research to see what traditional awnings would make sense for them.

Kennedy states that he likes the branding aspect of the signage but agrees with the previous comments about the wood awning. Kennedy adds he wonders if it could be a panel behind the sign instead. Kennedy further adds that this corner in question does need help breaking up the solid plane.

Durand states a textured flat piece such as the yellow shingles on a plane behind the sign, will really pop on the white and will pull the sign into the complex.

Sides responds that she thinks the textured plane will complicate the sign.

Much discussion was had.

Jaquith and Durand think it will look better on the upper panel of the building.

Kennedy states that he does not think they would have an issue with the sign on top of the textured plane and adds they could very easily paint the sign edge with a brown color to create dimension.

Sides suggests leaving the textured surface as a jagged edge. Sides adds when this is against the white background it could look really great.

Kennedy states he would prefer to see something rather than removing this element all together.

Barcikowski asks if the sign can be approved in and of itself and in the meantime he will do more research and come back to the next meeting to propose different options for the textured ‘awning.’ Barcikowski adds they are trying to open for mid-August but these things usually take longer than expected.

DeMaio asks to discuss the stanchions and seating. DeMaio states that right next door is Fresh Taste of Asia and adds that though a line was approved for the outdoor seating it tends to fluctuate in size. DeMaio adds it is important to give a specific place where the Board says it is okay to set up the seating areas so there will be no confusion.

Jaquith states he does not have a problem with the ten foot seating area at this location as it is a wide walk.

Barcikowski adds there is about five feet between Fresh Taste of Asia seating and Café Polonia that is not used for seating.

Jaquith states he thinks there needs to be an additional stanchion between the ten feet shown. Kennedy and Durand agree.

DeMaio asks if there will be umbrellas outside.

Barcikowski responds yes but he does not have a proposed umbrella design at this point. Barcikowski adds they are still seeing if they will be receiving them from the vendors or purchasing them independently.

Daniel states there are restaurants that have sponsored umbrellas that are actually not permitted and for recent restaurants that have come in, the City has specified that they are not permitted. Daniel adds in terms of the existing non-conforming establishments, they are working on a remedy.

Barcikowski states the vendors of the table and chairs offer matching umbrellas that they could purchase. The Board responds that sounds good.

Daniel states the chains may need to be specified to create a standard for the outdoor seating areas. DeMaio adds in the past the board has always requested black.

Daniel states if Polonia had a silver chain then everyone in this area would be consistent even though it was always supposed to be black.

DeMaio states that when given the two choices he would prefer to have everyone compatible but going forward this is the sort of thing the Board would be interested in maintaining an approved standard.

Sides states she prefers standardizing a black chain and then mentioning to the other stores that they would like to see black as originally stated.

Kennedy states he can see a consistency quality with matching the chain to the chairs –but does not think a silver chain works well with Fresh Taste of Asia. Kennedy suggests Fresh Taste of Asia and Café Polonia could have a black chain and other stores could be silver. Kennedy additionally states that silver at Polonia would clash and would prefer to see black.

In regards to the site plan, Blier asks if at the entry, the railing turns the corner.

Barcikowski states the railing ends where ramp ends.

Blier suggests making the step go all the way across at the corner to eliminate congestion and help create a cleaner entry. Durand agrees.

Barcikowski states he would not mind if the stair was wider and thinks aesthetically it will look better.

Blier: Motion to approve site plan as drawn with the exception of the railing and stair and the following conditions:
  • The step shall be extended;
The railing shall not turn the corner;
  • Additional stanchions shall be added, and
  • A black chain shall be used.
seconded by Jaquith. Passes 6-0

Kennedy: Motion to approve the sign independent from the awning or texture, understanding there will be a future review of the textured material and discussion of how the sign would be attached to the building, seconded by Sides. Passes 6-0.

Kennedy clarifies that if the sign goes up prior to background going up, the sign may need to be remounted.

Sides: Motion to approve furniture as proposed with the following condition;
  • A photo of umbrellas shall be submitted to Daniel for informal review and distribution.
seconded by Kennedy. Passes 6-0.

  • 24 New Derby Street (Artists’ Row): Discussion of proposed painting of entrance walls
Brad Backer is present on behalf of Artists’ Row.

Daniel states Backer is interested in looking at the entrance panels to Artists’ Row.

Backer states that he has noticed the Derby Street entrance needs some signage and the current punctuation is wrong. Backer adds part of this proposal is to change it to Artists’—plural possessive. Backer additionally states he has opened this project to all of the artists on Artists’ Row as well as other art groups in Salem but has gotten very little response from other artists. Backer states therefore the drawings are of his design.

Backer adds he would love for this to be a community project and would love for it to be done this season.

Jaquith responds to keep it private to preserve the cohesiveness the design portrays.

Backer adds it is really just a matter of purchasing paint and supplies and would love to have some City help if possible.

Durand responds this Board can not help Backer with that.

Blier suggests getting a sponsor from the local businesses.

Backer states the materials needed are artistic paints, most likely acrylics and spray paints for masking. Backer adds possibly applying a varnish to resist graffiti but adds it would then make it difficult to repaint with a new design.

Kennedy asks how the type would be done.

Backer responds with stencils.

Durand states the images look great.

Kennedy states he would like to see a little more consistency with the two images and the framework of the bike. Kennedy adds with the font it would almost be nice to see it really graphic, but he is not sure how to do it. Kennedy suggests a really simple font such as Helvetica, or Arial black. Kennedy adds the clean type around the loose illustration style could be really nice.

Backer is familiar with painting techniques and agrees with the font suggestion.
He asks what board thinks of background colors.

Kennedy suggests the background paint not be a bright white but rather a white wash or an off white color. Kennedy adds that he is happy to review and consult on colors.

Blier does not recommend sand blasting the existing sign as it often causes a lot of issues.

Kennedy suggests painting the brick would achieve a nice texture.

Blier asks if the DRB has the authority to approve this and asks if the City approves.
Daniel states the DRB does have the authority and the City is fully supportive.

Kennedy:        Motion to approve with follow up consultation on color, seconded by Jaquith. Passes 6-0.

  • 233 Washington Street (Frankenstein’s Art): Discussion of proposed signage
Daniel preludes the discussion with a brief description of the new business on Washington Street. Daniel states Schmitt’s business takes photos and art and adds dimensionality to them and will offer products for kids to decorate as well. Daniel states the Board is reviewing the proposed signage.

Schmitt explains the shop is named Frankenstein because they bring art to life and in fact has nothing to do with the Halloween connotation.

Daniel states he spoke with Peter Carter (the owner who was not able to attend) about the confusion with the store name in Salem but Carter thought he could play off of that.

Kennedy states that he finds the sign disconnects with the type of work Carter does and unfortunately because its in Salem feels there is even more of a disconnect. Kennedy adds when he hears what Carter does he is more interested in checking it out but because it is in Salem if he were walking by he would buzz right by it.

Schmitt states they could not put three-dimensional things onto the sign could not light it up.

Durand thinks from a business point of view it might not do well because it will be misunderstood.

Kennedy states that the screws need to be black.

Daniel asks the board what they think about the spacing between the apostrophe and the letter ‘s”.

Kennedy responds the kerning between these two things needs to be brought in a little bit.

Blier suggests the text ‘bringing art to life’ could be bigger and centered.

Kennedy states he would not want to change the sign on Carter without him being present.

Durand states he does not like the sign, and does not like the black and gold.

Blier states from a distance people may not see the sign long enough to read it.

Schmitt states the shop’s large windows will show the products and admits the sign is not to grab the eye but to mark where they are.

Kennedy asks Schmitt to relay the message back to the owner that there are concerns with the sign; font readability, the colors gold and black, etc.

Sides states the sign needs to have more of a punch in terms of identity and thinks overall its message is confusing and repetitive. Sides adds she understands that is not what the DRB is here to discuss but states it is what the Board is reacting to.

Kennedy:        Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • The kerning between the ‘s’ and the apostrophe shall be tightened up; and
  • The screws shall be black,
seconded by DeMaio. Passes 6-0.

  • 87 Washington Street (Green Land Café): Discussion of proposed signage;
        83 Washington Street (Hip Baby Gear): Discussion of proposed signage;
        79 Washington Street (Lightshed Photography Studio): Discussion of proposed signage

Andy Goldberg is present on behalf of Green Land Café, Hip Baby Gear, and Lightshed Photography.

Daniel states the following proposed signage is the completion of the letters in the sign band based on the dimension and style that was established with Salem Five.

Goldberg states the Green Land Café text might look better with the ‘Cafe’ pushed to the other side of the blade sign.

Sides suggests centering the Green Land Café between the two pillars on the left side of the storefront.

DeMaio asks if the Salem Five signs have the 10” lettering.

Goldberg responds the proposed signage is the same size font and color as the Salem Five signage.

Jaquith states that he has no problem with the proposed Hip Baby Gear signage.

Durand states the spacing between the words of the three signs is not consistent. Kennedy responds the letter and word spacing needs to be consistent and not to tighten them up to fit.

Daniel adds the letter and word spacing needs to be consistent with the Salem Five existing sign.

Regarding the proposed blade sign for Lightshed:

Kennedy asks if there is any proposed lighting on the Lightshed blade sign.

Goldberg responds they do not want to do lighting at this time.

Jaquith asks for more information about the bracket.

Goldberg replies it is the same bracket as Hip Baby Gear and that it is pre-existing and will only be relocated.

Daniel states the permit for Hip Baby Gear’s sign will not be issued until the exposed conduit is painted to match the window color and the light fixtures are shielded from shining down into people’s eyes.

Goldberg responds it will be done.

Kennedy states the type on the blade sign has a little quirkiness to it but does not seem to fit with how nice the storefront is and in fact kind of detracts from it.

DeMaio asks if the font and logo are part of Lightshed’s brand.

Goldberg replies yes these are preexisting.

Daniel states the URL address is not consistent with the city’s sign policies and that the staff is recommending it be dropped as this would not typically be permitted.

Kennedy adds they do not want to set that precedent set now.

Goldberg responds he spoke with the client today and they understand and is fine with dropping the URL.

Jaquith states the ‘LS’ logo should be shrunk to leave more white space around it but adds he is not too concerned with the kid-like letters and thinks it will draw more attention to the sign.

Sides states once they remove the URL, the blade sign will be thrown off. Sides adds she almost wants to see just the LS without the name spelled out.

Goldberg responds he thinks the client would definitely want their name on the blade sign to engage the sidewalk perspective.

Kennedy states that he likes the graphic.

DeMaio asks if there is any dimensionality to the sign at all.

Goldberg responds the ‘LS’ is ½” beveled in either the black or the white.

Kennedy states the quick solution with the sizing issues they are having with it would be to remove the URL, leave the baseline and take the square grouping, downsize it to line up with the square making it smaller and narrower and put the type along the bottom.

Kennedy suggests continuing the conversation until next month or can independently review the sign later.

Jaquith states since there are no urgencies the conversation should continue next month.
Sides agrees.

Sides:  Motion to continue discussion about Lightshed Photography Studio, seconded by Jaquith. Passes 6-0.

Sides:  Motion to approve all of the type signage for Green Land Café and Hip Baby Gear on the building, with the following conditions:
  • Green Land Café centered above the left storefront; and
  • The letter and word spacing shall be consistent with the Salem Five sign.
seconded by Jaquith. Passes 6-0.

DeMaio dismisses himself from voting on the minutes as he was not present at the last meeting.


Approval of the minutes from the May 26, 2010 regular meeting.

Kennedy:        Motion to approve meeting minutes, seconded by Sides. Passes 5-0.


Kennedy Motion to adjourn, seconded by Durand. Passes 5-0.